1. Republic Investment Ghana Limited
The Company is authorized to carry on the following activities:
The Unit Trust, REIT and Equity Trust continued to dominate with a market share of 77% of total net asset values, out of the 18 licensed Unit Trust Schemes. The annual survey 2014 released by the Securities and Exchange Commission posted the following results represented by a pie chart as shown below:
Investment Services
- Corporate Finance and Advisory Services
- Asset Management
- Funds Management
2. Republic Securities
Republic Securities is positioned to meet the financial needs of its clients in the following areas:
- Stock Brokerage
- Fixed Income Trading
- Investment Advisory
- Capital and Money Market Analysis & Research
- Portfolio Management
3. Republic Boafo Limited
- Loans to improve or expand homes in informal settlements.
- Loans to expand businesses to improve household incomes.
- Lower collateral requirements for loans to informal sector entrepreneurs than those required by other lenders.
- Access to savings services through the Republic Bank.
Courses for clients on managing credit and home improvement projects